
Welcome to First Baptist Church of Coahoma. We are glad you are here.

Services are in person and begin at 11:00am. We look forward to worshiping with you!

Update Contact Information.

We have new software to send emails and text messages. Please help us stay in touch with you by updating your email and text information by clicking this button and completing the short survey.


PRAYER/MINISTRY NEEDS: Please contact a deacon, the church office, or Bro. Mark Flack with any needs for assistance or prayer concerns. Contact numbers are in the church letter. You can email Bro Mark Flack. If it is a public request, you can also type it in the comments for the Facebook Live service.

Tithes and Offerings.

We have several options for you to contribute at this time.

In Person during morning worship.

You can mail checks to the church office (First Baptist Church, PO Box 376, Coahoma, TX 79511)

You can use the Give+ mobile app available on the App Store or Google Play or click this button.

You can drop off at the church office Mon-Thurs mornings or, if you would prefer to have someone pick up your envelope, please call the church office.